Project 1!
Approach 1: Naive Approach
I used a naive approach that loops over possible (x,y) displacements from -15 to 15 in each axis.
The displacements were performed by using np.roll. I tried this approach using 3 different losses.
L2 loss and normalized cross correlation were recommended by the assignment, but I got the best results
using structural similarity, which I found worked well for projects in past years. For cathedral.jpg using negative structural similarity
as my loss, the optimal displacements found were Green Displacement = 5, 2 and Red Displacement = 12, 3.
L2 Loss
Negative Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC)
Negative Structural Similarity Loss
Approach 2: Pyramid Approach
I used a recursive implementation to execute the pyramid approach and optimize the search process.
At each call, the recursive function will call itself on the image downsized by 1/2. This returns the
optimal displacement for the downsized image (x, y). Then we rescale this to 2x and 2y and search
for the optimal displacement in a x-10 to x+10 and y-10 to y+10 window.
emir.tif Green Displacement = 50, 21
emir.tif Red Displacement = 105, 40
church.tif Green Displacement = 25, 4
church.tif Red Displacement = 58, -4
harvesters.tif Green Displacement = 59, 14
harvesters.tif Red Displacement = 122, 11
icon.tif Green Displacement = 39, 16
icon.tif Red Displacement = 89, 23
lady.tif Green Displacement = 57, 8
lady.tif Red Displacement = 120, 12
melons.tif Green Displacement = 88, 10
melons.tif Red Displacement = 178, 12
monastery.jpg Green Displacement = -3, 2
monastery.jpg Red Displacement = 3, 2
Onion Church
onion_church.tif Green Displacement = 52, 23
onion_church.tif Red Displacement = 108, 35
Self Portrait
self_portrait.tif Green Displacement = 78, 28
self_portrait.tif Red Displacement = 175, 36
tobolsk.jpg Green Displacement = 3, 2
tobolsk.jpg Red Displacement = 6, 3
train.tif Green Displacement = 41, 1
train.tif Red Displacement = 85, 29
Three Generations
three_generations.tif Green Displacement = 57, 15
three_generations.tif Red Displacement = 112, 9
sculpture.tif Green Displacement = 33, -11
sculpture.tif Red Displacement = 140, -27
Bells and Whistles
I noticed that on some images, particularly on melons.tif, some parts of the image were very dark and lacked contrast.
I applied automatic contrasting that rescales the pixel values of each channel to 0 to 1. We can see that this makes some parts,
such as the man's face in the melons image, much clearer. I also tried this technique on Emir and saw more clarity in the face.
Without Contrasting
With Contrasting
Without Contrasting
With Contrasting